If you are involved in an automobile collision, you should always remain at the scene of the accident until you have met your legal obligations to provide your information or render assistance to anyone injured in the crash. If you left the scene without notifying anyone, then a criminal investigation has already begun.

Local law enforcement agencies use officers with special training to investigate hit-and-run cases even if no one was injured. If you left the scene of an accident after a crash, you need a criminal defense attorney equally trained in these types of cases to help you at every stage in the process.

San Diego Hit and Run Defense Attorney

While there are legitimate reasons to leave the scene of a crash without authorization, it is more likely than not illegal to do so. If you left the scene of a crash without authorization, it is important to contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you during the subsequent hit-and-run investigation and subsequent steps in the criminal justice process until the final conclusion of your case.

The police will want to apply pressure and force you to admit that you were present at the accident, but we can help ensure that they respect your right to remain silent and do not repeatedly come to your home or work to interrogate you about the case.

Attorney Michael Cindrich has decades of experience in criminal court. He has protected clients accused of a variety of different crimes, and is ready to build your defense against hit and run charges. The Law Offices of Michael E. Cindrich serve San Diego County, including the cities of Chula Vista, Oceanside, Escondido, Carlsbad, El Cajon and San Diego proper.

Contact the Law Offices of Michael E. Cindrich today for a free, confidential consultation at (619) 262-2500.

Overview of Hit and Run Charges in California

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Driver’s License Points for Hit and Run in California

If you are involved in a vehicle collision, then you should stop and remain at the scene until your reporting requirements are satisfied and you have helped anyone injured during the crash. If you leave the scene of the crash before complying with your legal duties, then you might be charged with the crime of “hit-and-run.”

If you are convicted of hit-and-run, then you will receive two points on your driving record. Convictions for hit-and-run remain on your record for 10 years from the violation date. The DMV will revoke your driver’s license if you are convicted of a hit-and-run or reckless driving that resulted in injury.

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Legal Obligations after a Traffic Accident

In many cases you are be required to report an accident to the police or California Highway Patrol (CHP). The crash must be reported in writing to the police or CHP immediately if anyone is killed or injured and law enforcement was not present at the scene.

Additionally, you must provide your driver license, vehicle registration card, evidence of financial responsibility, and current address to the other driver or persons involved, or to any law enforcement officer investigating the crash. Evidence of financial responsibility is usually in the form of an insurance company name and policy number.

If no one is injured or killed in the crash, then you should move your vehicle off the street or highway. If you fail to move your vehicle, any peace officer or authorized personnel may have your vehicle removed and impounded as provided in Vehicle Code §22651 and §22651.05.

If you crash into unattended property like a parked vehicle or mail box you should try to locate the owner of the property. If you can’t find the owner of the property then leave a note with your name and address (and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle you are driving) in the vehicle or securely attached to it. Afterwards, report the collision to the police, or in unincorporated areas, to CHP.

If there is more than $1,000 in damage to the property of any person or if anyone is killed or injured (no matter how slightly), you are required to report the crash by completing a Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California (SR 1) form to DMV within 10 days.

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Bail for Different Types of Hit and Run Crimes

According to the misdemeanor bail schedule for Section 20002(A), misdemeanor hit-and-run has a presumptive bail amount of $5,000. Leaving the scene of a traffic crash or accident that resulted in injury or death can also lead to felony hit-and-run charges. Hit-and-run with injury has a presumptive bail amount of $50,000, while hit-and-run with death has a presumptive bail amount of $100,000

The court might also impose a “Vehicle Code Enhancement” under Section 20001(c) for Fleeting the Scene of the Crime after Commission of Vehicular Manslaughter in the amount of $50,000.

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Additional Resources

Hit-and-Run Crashes: Prevalence, Contributing Factors and Countermeasures 
The following is a detailed informational brief about hit-and-run crashes compiled by AAA. Contained are statistics about hit-and-runs showing that the rates of these accidents and deaths resulting from them are both increasing in the United States. The effectiveness of laws designed to discourage fleeing the scene of an accident are also discussed.

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Hire a Defense Attorney for Hit and Run Charges in San Diego County, CA

Your freedom, finances, and ability to drive are all threatened by a conviction for hit-and-run. Retaining an aggressive hit-and-run defense attorney immediately is the best course of action if you or a loved one is caught up in a hit-and-run investigation.

The Law Offices of Michael E. Cindrich serve San Diego County, including the cities of Chula Vista, Oceanside, Escondido, Carlsbad, El Cajon, Vista, San Marcos, Encinitas, National City and La Mesa, and of course San Diego proper.

Don’t sleep on your rights. Contact Michael Cindrich right away for a free consultation at (619) 262-2500.